The healthcare workforce development landscape is rich with research, tool kits, resources, collaborative tables, and other supports.
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Healthcare Workforce Organizations & Collaboratives
Publications, Toolkits, & Other Resources
CHWC Archived Materials & Recordings
Quarterly Meetings
Learning Events


CHWC March 2024 Quarterly Meeting

This meeting took place on March 12th, 2024. It features updates on the Youth Pathways Committee, Good Jobs Challenge, and

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Career Pathways: Building Tomorrow’s Workforce Today

Published by The Josh Bersin Company in 2022, in partnership with Guild, an education and training partner company, this report

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State of Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide: Health Sciences & Technology

The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) sponsored the development of Model Programs of Study Guides in crucial industry areas as

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Organizations & Collaboratives


Education Systems Center (EdSystems) is a mission-driven policy development and program implementation center based within Northern Illinois University. They work

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Organizations & Collaboratives

Illinois Health & Hospital Association

The Illinois Health and Hospital Association is dedicated to advocating for Illinois’ more than 200 hospitals and nearly 40 health

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Organizations & Collaboratives


Guild’s Career Opportunity platform combines a curated marketplace of learning programs, dedicated career coaches, and tools to explore career pathways

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Organizations & Collaboratives


The only apprenticeship platform that allows you to create apprenticeships from scratch and manage them, all in one tool. The

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Organizations & Collaboratives


From the University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health, the mission of RAPID-Illinois is to facilitate pathways to careers

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Organizations & Collaboratives

Jobs for the Future

Jobs for the Future (JFF) is a national nonprofit that drives transformation of the U.S. education and workforce systems to

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Organizations & Collaboratives

Condensed Curriculum International

CCI is a content development and delivery firm offering workforce development solutions to educational institutions and corporate organizations of all

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Organizations & Collaboratives

Talent Solutions Connector

The Talent Solutions Connector was created to allow employers to share their positive experiences with talent solutions providers and make

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HEAL 2023 Report to Stakeholders

Launched in 2018 in partnership with Senator Durbin, the Chicago HEAL Initiative (Hospital Engagement Action and Leadership) is a historic

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